Special Programs

Medical Legal Partnership (MLP) Program

What Does Our MLP Program Do?

Lowcountry Legal Volunteers (LLV) has established partnerships with Volunteers in Medicine of Hilton Head Island, Greater Bluffton Jasper Volunteers in Medicine, and the Good Neighbor Clinic of Beaufort to address patient’s legal issues and improve healthcare, acknowledging that a person’s health and well-being can be negatively affected by both legal and societal issues.

How Does It Work?
Through our Medical Legal Partnerships, Lowcountry Legal Volunteers is able to work alongside medical providers to improve the social determinants of health that can negatively impact a n individual and/or family’s health like domestic abuse, housing, hunger, education, safety. That’s where our team at LLV comes in. The legal aid that we can provide effectively works as a type of preventative health measure. Whether it’s a mother who needs child support to raise her children, or a grandparent who has been made sick due to poor housing conditions, our Medical Legal Partnership program works to promote healthier, happier, and more stable futures for those we serve and their families.

What Type of Legal Issues Can You Call Us For?

  • Child support
  • Custody issues
  • Divorce
  • Domestic violence and/or abuse
  • Unsafe or unhealthy rental living conditions
  • Eviction defense
  • Wills
  • Estate Planning
  • Sucesiones
  • Healthcare Power of Attorney
  • Durable Power Attorneys
  • Social Security Disability
  • Guardianship for Adults

How We Can Help You.

Our team currently takes self-referrals and/or direct referrals from patients of the local medical clinic partners listed below working closely with each patient to fully understand their legal issue(s) and then either directly address their legal concerns by either taking qualifying individuals on as client or by making a referral to another organization who can help you address your legal concern and needs.

Note: We proudly offer our services in both English and Spanish

Who Are Our MLP Partners?

Beaufort Good Neighbor Medical Clinic
974 Ribaut Road
Beaufort, SC

Greater Bluffton Jasper County Volunteers in Medicine
29 Plantation Park Drive
Bluffton, SC

Hilton Head Island Volunteers in Medicine
15 Northridge Drive
Hilton Head Island, SC

For Patients and Providers:

If you are a patient at one of our partnering medical clinics please ask your provider for a referral, or give our MLP hotline a call at 843-295-2407.

If you are a medical provider interested in partnering with Lowcountry Legal Volunteers, please call 843-295-1685 and ask for Hannah Kidd.