Quiénes somos

For over two decades Lowcountry Legal Volunteers, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, has protected, defended and advocated for those that have struggled in silence for far too long – working on the frontlines and behind the scenes to offer our clients the competent and skilled legal services they deserve. We are here to provide sound counsel and create a pathway to fair representation for all. We are here to help our clients restore order in their lives and those of their children.

Estamos aquí para ...

  • escuchar y asegurarnos de que entendemos lo que nuestros clientes quieren conseguir en última instancia.
  • ofrecer un asesoramiento jurídico sólido y orientar a nuestros clientes en todos los asuntos.
  • ayudar a nuestros clientes a navegar por la complejidad, a menudo abrumadora, del sistema jurídico.
  • ser absolutos a la hora de responder a las necesidades de nuestros clientes.
  • ayudar a las familias a restablecer el equilibrio.

Our Mission

To provide free, vital legal services to low income individuals living in Beaufort, Hampton, and Jasper counties.